Cease-fire a top priority, envoy tells UN session

Dai reiterated that nuclear weapons cannot be used. "Nuclear war cannot be fought. All parties should join together against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, prevent nuclear proliferation and avoid a nuclear crisis," he said. Only viable...

deceptive ways andthat is why he went nuclear against her. Take a look at why he’s so intent on sticking with his attacks against her. She was right about him then and she’s right about him now.

核武器(nuclear weapon),也叫核子武器或原子武器,利用核反应的光热辐射、电磁脉冲、冲击波和感生放射性造成杀伤和破坏作用,以及造成大面积放射性污染,阻止对方军事行动以达到战略目的的...

中新网10月4日电 英国国家档案馆公开了一份由英国广播公司(BBC)与政府撰写,预备在英国遭受核武袭击使用的广播稿。 据英国广播公司报道,这份在1970年代撰写的广播稿说:“国家遭受核武袭击,通讯受到严重干扰,死伤人数和受破坏程度目前未能掌握。” 广播稿指示民众保持冷...

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